Saturday, November 26, 2011

What I am Thankful For: Depression

Throughout November, many have been posting what they are thankful for on Facebook or Twitter or the like, something different each day.  Simply because I have a well-ingrained rebellious streak, I refused to jump on that bandwagon.  I'm apparently too cool to do what everyone else is doing. Right?

But I have had a running theme over the last couple of months.  I have run into conversation after conversation with many, many friends regarding depression.  So many people suffer from it and so few of us that do are willing or even able to talk about it. 

I'm going to talk about it.  I'm going to put myself out there because I am now blessed to know that I'm not alone in my suffering.  But so many of you, my friends, don't realize how "not alone" you are.

I also know that when it comes to this subject, I can be very long winded.  So it's going to go into the blog instead of a post with their annoying little limitations. 

More to come...


  1. Good for you! Being healthy should never be a shameful thing and if more people were as honest as you the stigma might go away.

  2. Oops, meant to post this on the next entry. Oh, well.
