For the most part, I have and will continue to keep most of my "thankfuls" relevent to anyone suffering with depression. But, for today, I am going to endulge myself.
I met my husband at a Bible college. He knew before we married that depression was something I struggled with. I don't think he knew how much or how bad it could get, but he stuck with me. He has continued to stick with me.
It can't be easy being the partner of someone with depression. I know he has longed to make everything better, but since he's not the cause of the depression, he's unable to fix the problem by himself.
He has done a couple of things right for me.
(Please note that I am neither endorsing nor criticizing the Osteens. I have heard him say one thing I greatly disagree with and other things I don't have a problem accepting. But they are very much the image sought after by many Pentecostal Bible students in the 1990's. They help make my point.)
See how polished and pretty they are. See how nicely they are put together. They may, indeed, be genuinely polished, pretty and put together. Bully for them. I am not. (Let's be honest, with my curly hair, I've never been described as "polished." At least not without a couple of hours and a flat iron...) And 10 years ago, when my husband was a minister in a church we were very much pressured to put forth such an image. A wife battling depression and on anti-depressants does not line up.
My wonderful husband, did not hesitate to tarnish his own pastoral image. He was more concerned for my well-being than how I made him look. He would rather I get happy and healthy than pretend. I don't know if very many of you, my readers, will understand that that took a special kind of bravery. Such bravery was rare in our circles.
Thankfully, like me with this blog, I see many ministers and ministering families throwing open the doors and showing all the ugly in all it's glory. I believe that showing how Christ works through our weaknesses vs. pretending we have it together is the way to reach hurting people.
2). He's my best friend. And when I say he is my friend, I mean that he's a real friend. He's probably a better friend than I am. He is willing to push me. He is willing to tell me the truth instead of telling me what will make me feel better at the moment. He was willing to get me to help when I didn't have the ability to get help on my own.
I know not everyone has a husband like mine. But almost all of you know SOMEONE who you suspect of being depressed. Perhaps you can be a friend like my spouse is and push them to get help. Perhaps you can be their friend when times are ugly & not just when times are easy.
I am thankful for my husband.
I'm not done yet, but I'm done for now.
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