Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Moment of Bliss

I've been sick for the last several days.  I protest my ill status declaring that all mothers should be exempt from all malady for at least the first five years of their children's lives.  Alas, the bacteria and virii (plural of virus? no?) aren't in agreement with me. 

I'd call them booger-heads but in reality, I'm the literal booger-head.  (Snort, sniff, blow)

But, I have found one brief moment of happiness while I lie in my bed.  It is not while I'm sleeping because I honestly don't get to do much of that sleeping thing what with two still sorta in diapers and all.  

It is not while I'm dreaming since sickness tends to bring on the weirdest dreams.  (Right after pregnancy...whoa! I right?)

It is not even the comfort of being snuggled in soft sheets and being warm, a rarity for us Alaskans.

Since I'm snotty and boogery it is not currently even in a passionate embrace with my husband.  (giggle)

My moment of bliss, my glorious moment of bliss last for but a couple of minutes, several times a night.  It is after I've rolled over...and waited for the gunk in my head to settle...and for, maybe, two delightful minutes I can breathe out of BOTH sides of my nose.  I love that feeling.

I think my cold medicine has made me loopy...

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