Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 21: I am Thankful for Inspiration

For the past few weeks I have struggled to find anything to say about depression.  It is like my brain just dried up.  Nothing is there where ideas usually fly at me so fast I can hardly keep up.  What happened?

1. It's depression.  There are waves that come when my motivation to do ANYTHING, including write, just ends.  It is the nature of this mean ol' beast.  I put one foot in front of the other and do the next thing on my list, but I have lost some of the enjoyment.  It has by no means been the worst spell I've had.  Not much crying.  I haven't even really been aware that I was in a funk until yesterday.  But, I know that if I swing backwards the rope will grow taunt and I will soon swing forwards.  

2. I've honestly been pretty busy with family issues.  My husband has faced some illness.  My kids have had colds.  Money is tight because there are so many of us in this adorable little house.  Sometimes, when I'm feeling overwhelmed by it all, it's reassureing to step back and look at my life and say, "Yeah, a lot has been going on & you're not crazy for struggling a little bit." 

3. The main reason I believe I haven't been inspired AND that I have struggled is because I have failed to immerse myself in inspiration.  I haven't been to my Bible study class and even though the lessons are available online I haven't worked them.  I haven't been listening to the music that uplifts me.  I haven't been reading.  I haven't been watching my one Christian TV show I like (and it's only one show so I'm not turning into my Grandma or my mom because I'm not watching TBN 24-7, right?  Please?).  I have missed church and even when I have gone I've been so late that I'm just feeling the "whew" of getting there & I'm not actually present for the service.  

I have not been in His presence in a while.  His creative presence.  My fault.  

Spend some time studying.  If you're a Believer, spend some time studying something biblical.  Either through church or a book at the bookstore.  If you don't know where to start, ask a friend or go to the web.  The New Life Ministries: Store has some amazing studies.  I've read through a couple of their books.  

Usually when I study something, I don't feel a rush of creativity.  Little seeds are planted that my brain mulls over for the rest of the day.  Later as I lay in bed at night or I'm having a rare quiet moment driving around town, that seed blows up into a full-blown magical idea -or- a practical "how-to" that I'm able to put to type and tell the world.  (See: Day 20 Part 1: I am Thankful for Football)

I've found that getting my thinking juices going gets my emotional juices flowing.  

I'm not done, but I'm done for now. 

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