Monday, January 2, 2012

How to Sanitize Your Floors in 3 Easy Steps.

Step 1: 

I had to run to Wal-mart.  (Ewww.)  I got back a couple of minutes after 8 pm.  8:00 o'clock is bedtime.  While I was gone the babies, ages 3 and 21 months, found a way to run naked.  They seem to do this when I leave them home with Dad.  It can result in disaster.  I came back home to my husband spraying the kitchen floor with bleach.  The conversation went something like this:

Derick: "Be careful where you step!  I'm not sure if I got it all!"

Me: "What happened?"

Derick: "Well, Fischer told me he peed.  I was distracted.  I didn't really believe him.  Then I heard giggles in the kitchen.  Fischer said, 'Daddy, we're jumping over my pee-pee.  Well, Kellen's just walking over it'." (Ewww.)

Derick face-palmed and looked at me sort of desperately. 

Me: "You get the floor, I'll bathe the kids."

Step 2:

I went to bathe the children.  I turned on the water and made sure the temperature was friendly.  I then placed the babies in the tub as it filled up. I turned my back to get a washcloth from the basket on the counter.  Screams, terrified screams, erupted from the bathtub.  The 1-year-old played with the faucet and turned the shower on.  They were both standing up in the tub and screaming in terror.  I quickly turned the shower off and I laughed. And laughed. And laughed.

Kellen was DONE with bath time (maybe for forever).  I had to wrestle him to get him very quickly soaped up and rinsed off.  I was soaking wet in the 2 minutes it took to get him semi-clean.  He is too short to climb out of the tub on his own very well but I caught him as he jumped out.  Poor child is traumatized.

Step 3:

As soon as I got the kids dried off, Fischer eyes grew to saucers, "I need to poop!"  So I pointed back at the soaking wet bathroom.  Kellen, adores his big brother and wants to be with him at all times, including pooping time.  Fischer decided that he didn't want Kellen in the bathroom with him, so he got off the potty to push Kellen out of the bathroom and shut the door.  Then I heard a wail emanate from the bathroom.  Went in to to investigate and Fischer had been unable to make it BACK to the potty in time.  (Again, Ewww.)  Now I have to clean up the mess in the bathroom and sanitize the floors.  I also have to fold the laundry in the dryer so I can rotate the laundry around and wash the bathmats.   I am once again super thankful for the "Sanitary" cycle on my washing machine. 

I got the babies jammied and put on Little Einsteins while I finished cleaning up.  It normally takes about 20 minutes for me to get Fischer into bed.  Last night it took an hour and a half.  But, hey, at least my floors were clean.


  1. Oh this is too funny! I have a 3 1/2 year old and a 17 month old so this too sounds so familiar. At least we are not alone! HAHA! :)
